Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's been far too long...


I know that it has been nearly a season since I have shan't happen again.

I have just celebrated my 22nd complete years since my birth...meaning that I just turned 23. My wonderful sister surprised me by flying 3,000 miles from her school in Cedarville, OH to Oympia, WA! It was a very nice surprise and was just what I needed to help me survive until December when she is scheduled to come home for Christmas.

As I begin this 23rd year of living, I have resolved to make some changes. I am inspired to better myself. As my life seems to be swirling around me, I know that there is one thing I can always count on, one thing that will forever be an anchor, one thing that won't be shaken...and that is, and will continue to be, the one and only object of my focus.

I often find myself being so human and trying to calm the swirling ocean of life down by always ends up in a humiliating and humbling reality...I was not meant to do this thing called "life" in my own power. Why I, time and time again, try to be in control baffles me. I know...I believe...I have seen...I have learned that it is futile to flex my "human muscles" and say "...I got this one." Herein lies the specific point of my realization:

Trust is healthy and humility is necessary.

We must become truly humble so that we can trust others. Likewise, trusting others is an act that assists in building humility. I realize that this blog may be wandering...I apologize. This is really just how thoughts are being processed in my mind as I type.

To wrap this up...Trust...Humility...think about these to characteristics in your life...are you flexing your "human muscles"? When chaos seems to envelop your world, what is your reaction? A friend of mine gave me some great advice last week: "We have the option to choose how we will react to choose how you will react..." So, do you react with trust and humility, or do you react with pride? Just some thoughts, friends...